Sallyanne's reviews

Jul 2023

Hello I have already sent in a review on my phone. but it may not have gone through as I have received another review request.
My granddaughter is 14 years old and was excited to attend the workshop with me, a fun-RELAXING thing to do together. my granddaughter has had a very difficult past few months, has not been sleeping, and as she works two shifts a week and is A grades student and half of these classes are Extension classes that require extra study and exams, she is tired by the weekend, she injured her ankle but can only take strong pain medication on the weekend otherwise it slows her too much to study. She yawned during a demonstration and had to go and sit down- later when we got in the car my granddaughter said the teacher ignored her for half the class. I said that she yawned. the girl said crying that the teacher didn't know what she had been through, and she was exhausted and in pain. people shouldn't judge others. The girl was excited about the bird painting she was doing , and said she wanted to give the card to her mum. the teacher took a paintbrush and corrected the birds head, without asking, also took all the paint brushes out of the water dish and put them on the table, wetting the other card she had painted with fish- both cards on the water colour paper were now changed. the girls hands were shaking, very upset. the teacher said the paint was too thick, the teenager had been having fun using her fingers to add texture to her painting- do not touch peoples artwork unless you ask. they may like it as it is, once YOU TOUCH IT is no longer their creation.

Mar 2021

Fun afternoon. Great idea an Art Class and wine. The two teachers were very helpful. I got to go home with my painting. I sent photos to my friends, they said it looked great.
V48I01Z33L 34c052b7f77f35dccea660a6ce51910d production Sydney NSW AU sydney