Protective Wisdom Workshop

Empower Your Well-Being: knowledge for Personal and Environmental Protection

1.5 hours Class size 1 to 10 (public classes), 10 to 30

label $45 (Afterpay available)

Discover the ancient wisdom of nature in our "Protective Wisdom" workshop, designed to help you safeguard your well-being and create a harmonious living space. Whether you're new to these practices or looking to deepen your knowledge, this workshop offers valuable insights and hands-on experiences.
Explore how plants, wood, symbols, and sound can be powerful tools for protection. Our friendly and knowledgeable facilitator will guide you through each step, making it easy to understand and apply these techniques in your daily life. You'll learn practical methods for mental, physical, and spiritual protection, and have the opportunity to engage directly with the materials.
This workshop also provides a welcoming space to share your experiences and clear up any confusion. By the end of the session, you'll feel empowered and confident in using these natural protective practices.
Join us and take the first step toward enhancing your well-being with the wisdom of nature. Secure your spot and embark on a journey towards a safer, more balanced life.
Knowledge required
It is designed for beginners with no prior experience, as well as for those who have some experience but want to learn more or clarify any confusion. The workshop is welcoming to all levels of interest and curiosity in this area.
What you'll get
  • Discover ancient protection wisdom
  • Hands-on experience with natural tools
  • Guided by a knowledgeable facilitator
  • Practical mental, physical, and spiritual tools
  • Welcoming space for sharing and clarity
What to bring
  • A notebook and pen for notes
  • An open mind and heart for an enchanted workshop
  • Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated

Scarborough, WA

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Protective Wisdom Workshop location
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Your teacher
Xin's Creation Station
Xin's Creation Station

5.0 (13)

Hi, I'm Xin from Xin's Creation Station and Sacred Light Creations. I'm a Chandler, Wellness Facilitator, and an Artist at heart. The first time I made candles, I was amazed by the enchanting experience. It brought a sense of calmness and a splash of joy and sweetness into my heart. Since then, I've been sharing my candle-making journey in person through retreats, workshops, and team-building events. This journey has brought me immense joy, and I'm so glad I can share this enchanting experience with everyone! :) x

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